Monday 22 October 2012

How you treat Others

Spiritual people often want unconditional support and understanding from their friends, family, and mates, but all too often seem blind to their own shortcomings when it comes to the amount of unconditional support and understanding that they give to others. I have seen many spiritual people become obsessed with how unspiritual others are and assume an arrogant and superior attitude while completely missing the fact that they themselves are not nearly as spiritually enlightened as they would like to think they are.

Enlightenment can be measured by how compassionately and wisely you interact with others—with all others, not just those who support you in the way that you want. How you interact with those who do not support you shows how enlightened you really are.

As long as you perceive that anyone is holding you back, you have not taken full responsibility for your own liberation. Liberation means that you stand free of making demands on others and life to make you happy. When you discover yourself to be nothing but Freedom, you stop setting up conditions and requirements that need to be satisfied in order for you to be happy.

It is in the absolute surrender of all conditions and requirements that Liberation is discovered to be who and what you are. Then the love and wisdom that flows out of you has a liberating effect on others. The biggest challenge for most spiritual seekers is to surrender their self importance, and see the emptiness of their own personal story. It is your personal story that you need to awaken from in order to be free.

To give up being either ignorant or enlightened is the mark of liberation and allows you to treat others as your Self. What I am describing is the birth of true Love.


When you read a novel, and you read about various characters, you may like some and not like others. Or when you watch a movie, think about your relationship with the characters. You might like them; you might not like them—but you’re not finding your sense of self in them. You’re not referencing your self-worth by the characters in a novel or when you turn on the TV. You just have your thoughts about them.But imagine if you turned on your TV or you read a novel and you actually completely derived your sense of being and your sense of self from one of the characters. Immediately your perspective is very different, isn’t it? Now your perspective has gone from something that’s very vast to something that’s very limited, seen only through the eyes of the character. Sadly, that’s how most human beings spend their lives. They have this little character in their mind called "me," and they’re actually viewing that “me” as personal when it’s not.The “me” is very impersonal, not meaning cold or distant, but just meaning without inherent self nature, in the same way that when you read a book, the characters are without self nature. They actually don’t exist outside of your imagination. They don’t even exist in the book, because the book is just words. And without someone reading the words and bringing it all alive within imagination, nothing even exists on the printed page. It’s all within the reader, all the life.When the Buddha talked about the realization of no-self, he was talking about the self that’s an image in the mind being completely seen through. And when there is no image of self, experience has nothing to bounce off of. Everything just is as it is, because there's no secondary interpretation. The one that’s interpreting is the one that’s in pain. And that’s the one who suffers. That’s the one who causes others to suffer.The false self, the self that’s an image in the mind, uses every experience to measure itself: “How am I in relationship to what’s happening? Am I wise? Am I stupid? Am I clumsy? Am I courageous? Am I enlightened about this?” That’s the movement of consciousness reflecting on an image of itself that doesn’t actually exist. It’s always measuring each and every experience, and then believing in the interpretation of the experience rather than seeing “Everything just is.”Everything actually just is. From the perspective of consciousness, even resistance just is. And if you resist resistance, that’s just what is. You can’t get away from it. You start to see that the only thing that goes into resistance, a story, or an interpretation of what is—whatever it is—is this mind-created persona. It's like a character in a novel. When you read a novel, every character has a point of view. It has beliefs. It has opinions. There’s something that makes it distinct from other characters. Our persona is literally this mind-created character that’s always making itself distinct. So it always needs to evaluate everything against its preconceived idea.There’s another vantage point. The other vantage point is not only outside the character, it's also inside the character. It’s the ultimate vantage point that’s outside, and it’s also playing all the parts from the inside.That’s basically what it means to really wake up: we’re waking up from the character. You don’t have to destroy the character called “me” to wake up from it. In fact, trying to destroy the character makes it very hard to wake up. Because what’s trying to destroy the character? The character. What’s judging the character? The character.So you leave the character alone. The character called you, just leave it alone. Then it’s much easier for the awakening out of that perspective to happen.You don’t lose the character; you just gain the whole novel of life. It’s not like you lose anything. You just gain the whole book. You gain the whole universe. As Buddha would say, “Lose yourself, gain the universe.” It’s not a bad deal. Or Dogen: “To know yourself is to forget yourself, and to forget yourself is to be enlightened by the 10,000 things,” which means to see yourself everywhere. Wake up from your character, and then you see yourself nature in all characters—not just one, but all of them.

So we don’t lose anything. We gain all characters. We just lose the fixation, that’s all.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

All important aspects of MBA Program to Build a Flourishing Career

Education plays a crucial role in personal development as well as nation development. You'll see all the developed countries in the world have an excellent education system in place. India in spite of the many hurdles is making substantial progress in the field of education, particularly higher education like engineering, MBA and medical. Though there is still scope for improvement in the primary and high school education, the college and university education has got a facelift with the addition of thousands of professional programs that meet the skilled manpower requirements of different sectors. The scope for Master in Business Administration or MBA in India is vast nowadays.

Having an MBA degree in the current job scenario is both remunerative and productive in terms of career growth. Therefore, the number of management graduates has been increasing at a fast rate year after year. As India is now home to countless domestic and multi-national companies in cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Noida, Mumbai, Pune and Kolkata, an MBA in India can offer you unlimited career opportunities. Whether it is the core sector, IT sector or retail sector, the efficient management of business operations to earn profits is the eventual goal of every business concern. Here, management graduates from top MBA colleges in India come into play. These industry-ready professionals have received world-class training with strong emphasis on solving real-life problems.

Other notable benefits of acquiring a management degree are high compensation packages, strong networking by mingling with renowned entrepreneurs, business experts and leaders, thorough understanding of business processes, technologies and trends, and flexibility in education in the form of full-time, part-time, executive, online and distance MBA programs. An MBA in India can be pursued in globally accredited institutes such as Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), XLRI-Jamshedpur, FMS-Delhi, SP Jain Institute in Mumbai, etc.

If you'll consider the management education market in the country, it presents a staggering figure of more than Rs. 35 billion by mid-2010. It has been growing at a rate of approximately 12% in last three years. Presently, the number of business schools in India is above 1,750, including government and private institutes, distance education providers and foreign education providers. Every year, these business schools are producing more than 100,000 management graduates to satisfy the demand of diverse industries. But, this number is not sufficient in comparison to the mounting demand of MBA in India. Numerous companies have also raised the issue of lack of adequate manpower for their growing operations.

Students who aspire to pursue various management courses in top colleges need to appear for a number of entrance exams like CAT, MAT, etc. The Common Admission Test (CAT) is intended for students who want to get an admission into IIMs in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Lucknow, Kozhikode, Indore and Shillong. This examination is one of the toughest ones to crack, so students have to do some serious preparation. The minimum eligibility criterion to take admission is a 3-year Bachelors degree or equivalent in any stream which must be recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). The CAT exam is an aptitude test having no fixed syllabus. However, the questions are principally asked from verbal ability and reading comprehension, quantitative aptitude and data interpretation and data sufficiency.

Monday 19 September 2011

5 benefits of sound and clear-cut policies for effective management

Sound and clear-cut policies provide he following benefits:
1. Quick Decision:
Policies speed up decision-ma king at lower levels by providing a framework within which decisions can be made. Policies provide guidelines which help to keep toe activities of the organization on the proper lines. Policies reflect the intentions of top management and the behavior expected from subordinates.
They set up broad limits. for exercise of discretion and judgment. Subordinates need not seek approval for each and every individual action in repetitive situations.
A policy helps to clarify objectives by elaborating the way in which goals are to be achieved. Policies foster initiative and future thinking. They serve as ground rules for operating plans. They ensure a steady course of action. Policies predefine issues and avoid repeated analysis thereby saving time and effort.
2. Better decentralization:
Well-denned policies are the main instru­ment for the delegation of authority. Policies provide guidelines for action so that subordinates need not consult their superiors frequently. Policies facilitate communication and executive development.
"Policies provide guidelines to the delegate in order to help him in determining what appropriate action to take and what action will be within the limits of the stated policies.
In effect, a policy informs the delegate what is to be attained by making known the general course of action to be followed."Policies make actions of organizational members predictable.
Need for close supervision is minimized. Policies serve as a safeguard against the improper use of authority by the delegate.
3. Effective coordination:
Sound policies facilitate unity of efforts and uniformity of action by focusing attention on organization goals. They are helpful in securing unified action in various units of the organization.
They ensure that the actions of officials at different times are consist­ tent. They promote intelligent cooperation. The fabric of organization is bound together by the wrap and woof of policies.
Thus, policies have a considerable contribution to make to coordination of individual efforts and diverse activities.
4. Simplified control':
Policies help to prevent unwarranted devia­tions from planned course of action. They provide a rational basis for judging the actions and behavior of subordinates.
By setting up policies management ensures that actions taken by subordinates will be consis­tent with the goals of the organization. Policies also facilitate "manage­ mint by exception'.
5. Realization of objectives':
Policies serve as the means for accom­plishing desired objectives. They give a practical shape to objectives by elaborating the way in which goals are to be achieved. The abstract state­ment of objectives gets translated into concrete terms when policies pro­vide guides to thinking and action.
To sum up, "policies tend to predefine issues, avoid repeated analysis and consideration of general courses of action and give a uni­fied structure to other types of plans, thus pointing managers to dele­gate authority while maintaining control."

Saturday 17 September 2011


"Attitude can be defined as a state of mind or feeling regarding the situation. A positive attitude will mean that it is a helpful attitude that will help the person in a physical state or emotional state. A person who has a positive attitude will be able to look and find opportunities in a situation when the others are not able to spot it. Those who have the positive attitude will always focus on finding the solution for the problems whereas those who have the negative attitude will always focus on the problems but not on the solutions."
"You heard from many people and read from many books that having a positive attitude is very important as it is a foundation towards success and it will makes your life easier. But the reality is that in your life, you will sometime face some problems and difficulties. Your surrounding will not help because you will face with a lot of people who has negative attitude and the media is always full of negative things. So what kind of people that you always associated with play a part on whether you will have a positive attitude or not and decided on whether you will reach your goal or not."

Monday 1 August 2011

Certainity of success......

Are you just trying your luck at succeeding in life and not sure whether you will actually get there? Is doubt and unbelief haunting you and preventing you from making the most of your opportunities life?
If you doubt your ability to achieve or get something, chances are you will not no matter how hard you try. There is something to be said about the power your mind yields on the results you achieve in life. The battle is not won or lost based on circumstances or fate. The battle is won or lost in the mind. 
I have seen it at work many times. One such case, I remember well, was when we decided, with a friend of mine who is also a student of management, to join the military. We had some idea of the rigours of military training and had heard stories of people that had attempted it and failed or quit. But, and this is the crucial thing, before we joined we never once discussed the possibility of failing. We never once made any plans or allowance for failure. We had decided to join the military and as far as we were concerned only 6 months of military training lay between us and getting to be officers in the air force.
I was quite surprised that many people I told the news were very negative about it. They said how difficult military training was and how much pain and suffering we would be put through. The sleepless nights, physical exhaustion, hard labour and all that we would go through were all emphasized. Only one or two people saw the end from the beginning. They saw us becoming officers. 
It was so bad that by the time we got to the military academy I was all too aware of what awaited us. But, and this is the crucial thing, failure was still never on my mind. I went there to get into the military. There was only one outcome possible – becoming an officer. I saw this very same determination in my friend whom I had gone with.  
We were both not much to admire physically. I was thin and with my glasses on rather nerdy looking, and he was on the shorter side. It was no surprise that many expected us to quit after a few weeks. When we got to the military academy we found that there were plenty of people around that looked very impressive physically.
I remember thinking how easy the training would be for them. I was wrong. A few weeks into it the strain and stress began to take its toll. Some of the people that looked the strongest due to physical prowess, started to show weakness. It was not a physical weakness, but a mental one.
You could hear it in their talk. You could see it on their faces. They were defeated mentally. Complaints, discouragement and uncertainty were evident in them. Not surprisingly, quite a few of them quit or ran away. My friend and I began to notice this and we would avoid spending time with them. We continually encouraged each other by thinking and talking about what we would achieve at the end of it all. 
Through the military training I came to see that same determination in others that ultimately made it. For the most part, they were people that never thought about failure. Even in the hardest of conditions and circumstances they kept positive. In fact it seemed that the harder things got, the more determined they would become. It was a first hand lesson in human nature and success. To this day, I have a lot of respect for all the great people I was privileged to be with in military school. They were certain of their future and certain of their ability to pull through.
But the greatest lesson I learnt was from those that did not make it. It was clear that for all of them one thing was true: they doubted their ability to succeed and they lost track of what they had gone to the military academy for. The inability to see past their present suffering and hardship was ultimately what caused them to fail. 
Analysing all the times when I have experienced outstanding results in any endeavour the one thing that stands out is that there was a certainty of success. It is a certainty that is totally oblivious to failure. It is a certainty that knows that difficulties and setbacks may come, but the ultimate end is victory and nothing else. It is a certainty that puts your mind at ease. It is that still, small, but clear voice in your mind that says “everything will be okay.” It is almost as if God himself is speaking to you and telling you to “have faith.”
William Lyon Phelps said “If you develop the absolute sense of certainty that powerful beliefs provide, then you can get yourself to accomplish virtually anything, including those things that other people are certain are impossible.”
You need to be certain of the fact that success is as attainable for you as it is for any man. Furthermore, know of a certainty that regardless of how long it takes and the obstacles you may face on the way, you will live a successful and fulfilled life. Never once doubt this. Thomas Carlyle advised that “One must verify or expel his doubts, and convert them into the certainty of Yes or NO.” The only answer for you should be “yes.” You can and will make it.

Sunday 31 July 2011

what we want to do.....?????

I study management at plus two level (Finance + marketing) and finance is my favorite subject. Like any commerce student coming out from school. I hope to become a CA, but when I know the scope of management and about IIPM, I suddenly thought of taking the admission in IIPM because it have some extent academic quality on my part that I could enter any of the campus, it has 18 institute in India yet. I had missed out on joining IIPM Delhi due the economic condition of my family. This was my life’s first rude and cruel shock.
But I like most things in life, there is something else in horizon. I managed to take admission in IIPM Bhopal, pursuing integrated programme and gaining global exposure to the finance and all management subjects for the first time. I began the thoroughly enjoying the subjects so much, so that I start on a business studies book, finish it one sitting and appear for the exam the next day.
In that one year, I realized that programming and coding was not my cup of tea but that I thoroughly enjoyed the sales and marketing aspect of business so much. So that the teachers also helps us to increasing the knowledge of all the students.
It is during this time that I decide to pursue the integrated programme from IIPM along with global exposure. I appear for the many coaching institute for CA but I finally opted for the integrated programme from IIPM with dual specialization. Where I joined the integrated programme in marketing and finance from the centre of management education. I do both these programme (BBA+MBA), I am gaining in valuable work experience in the industry.
In the final analysis, I personally feel that it doesn’t matter what profession or qualification we choose, but it’s important to know what it is we want to do. Try and do something we are genuinely interested in. Realize  your calling in life as soon as you can and plan your profession, qualification accordingly, but remember-“no matter what we do, we need to be amongst the best; mediocrity has no place in life”

Author- Harsha ramani
IIPM Bhopal
Mob.-8962127377, 9907571646